Free meet or consultation at your home
Meet in your home to go through our services and spend some time with your dog so they're familiar with us before the first walk, sit or visit.
Professional, Fully Insured, DBS Checked and Emergency Canine First Aid and CPR Trained
Gorton, Droylsden, Denton, Audenshaw, Reddish, Stockport and surrounding areas of Manchester
Meet in your home to go through our services and spend some time with your dog so they're familiar with us before the first walk, sit or visit.
Quickly and easily book your walk via text or WhatsApp up to 24 hours before for quick confirmation and receive an invoice at the end of each week.
We will provide healthy and natural treats as well as eco friendly disposable poo bags and leads for walks. That way you can keep your own personal leads clean and leave the mud to us.